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Attorney, Charles Brandt

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    • Car Accidents —Plaintiff
    • Truck Accidents —Plaintiff
    • 18 Wheeler/Big Rig Accidents —Plaintiff
    • Bicycle Accidents —Plaintiff
    • Jones Act and Insurance Malpractice
    • Insurance Subrogation
    • Property & Casualty
    • Federal Trial Practice
    • State Trial Practice
    • Animal Bites —Plaintiff
    • Assault & Battery —Plaintiff
    • Aviation Accidents —Plaintiff
    • Premises Liability —Plaintiff
    • Pedestrian Injuries
    • Property Damage —Plaintiff
    • Railroad Accidents —Plaintiff
    • Slip & Fall—Plaintiff
    • Wrongful Death—Plaintiff
    • Drunk Driving Collisions
    • Machinery & Tools
    • Medical Products & Devices
    • Legal Malpractice
    • Injuries to Seamen/Maritime Injuries
    • Offshore Injuries
    • Product Liability
    • Workers Compensation Claims
    • Injuries At Work
    • Boating Accidents —Plaintiff


    • 100% of Practice Devoted to Litigation
    • Louisiana, 1973
    • U.S. District Court Eastern District of Louisiana
    • U.S. District Court Western District of Louisiana
    • U.S. District Court Middle District of Louisiana
    • U.S. Court of Appeals 5th Circuit, 1979
    • U.S. Supreme Court, 1981
    • Tulane Law School, New Orleans, Louisiana
      J.D. – 1973
    • University of Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana
      B.A. – 1970
      Major: Prelaw
    • Automobile Litigation: Strategic Issue, NBI, 2009
    • Handling The Auto Insurance Claim, NBI, 2008
    • How to Prepare a Trial Workroom, Louisiana Trial Lawyers Association CIE 1989
    • How to Cross examine an accident reconstruction expert, Louisiana Trial Lawyers Association CLE March 1984
    • Louisiana Association for Justice 1980-2024

    • Lafayette Parish Bar Association 1999-2024

    • Louisiana State Bar Association 1973-2024

    • Louisiana Assoc for Justice-Board of Governors 1985-86

    • New Orleans District Attorney, Assistant, 1974 – 1977
    • Lafayette Parish District Attorney, Assistant, 1980 – 1986

    Charles Brandt

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    Partner, Attorney
    Phone: (337) 242-7551

    When you’re up against an insurance Goliath, you want Charlie.

    Charles Brandt graduated from Tulane Law School in 1973 and has been seeking justice since. He began his career as a prosecutor for the Orleans Parish District Attorney’s Office. Since leaving the District Attorney’s Office in 1977, he continued to represent individuals injured in accidents. He’s handled hundreds of trials and settled thousands of cases, including multi-million-dollar settlements and trials.

    He currently devotes 100% of his time to representing persons injured in accidents. Charles Brandt is admitted to practice in the U.S. District Courts for the Eastern, Middle, and Western Districts of Louisiana, the Louisiana Supreme Court, all district courts in the State of Louisiana, and the United States Supreme Court.

    In addition to enjoying handling and trying personal injury cases, Charlie loves to scuba dive. He was certified as an open water diver in 1986 and got his advanced open water certification in 1991. He has training as an underwater photographer and salvage diver. He has enjoyed spearfishing at the drilling rigs off the coast of Louisiana and catching lobster in Florida. Dives were made by him additionally in the Cayman Islands, Hawaii, Palau, Greece, Cozumel, St Lucia, St John and other great dive spots. Charles is also an avid hunter having taken game in Africa, Argentina, Mexico, Texas, Mississippi, Nebraska and New Mexico.

    Below are just some of the cases that Charles has won over the years.

    • In 1981 he obtained a judgment after a trial against Sooner Refining Corporation that in today's dollars would be $14,258,000. At that time it was the highest civil judgment award in the Lafayette area and possibly in the state of Louisiana. He went on to seize the refinery and turn it over to his client.

    • Sharon M was hit by a Greyhound bus and sustained mental, emotional an spinal injuries that left her in chronic pain. In 1982 Brandt was able to obtain a settlement for her equivalent to $1.580,000 in todays dollars.

    • In 1986 he obtained a settlement for the captain of a tug boat for lumbar (low back) ruptured disc requiring surgery that in todays dollars would be $1,040,000. His client’s tug boat had been pulling a sandblasting barge and during operations some of the sand got on the stairs leading down from the wheel house. The captain, Biff, was coming down the stairs when he slipped on the sand and fell to the bottom of the stairs.

    • On May 3, 1987 Arthur C was working at the Boise Cascade paper mill as a welder. A faulty valve in the refinery allowed natural gas to be pumped down over his head as he was welding resulting in a fire and severe burns causing him to be disabled and disfigured from the burns. After investigation it was determined that the Boise Cascade management had not canceled the hot work permit on-the-job. Brandt made sure that Arthur was awarded what would be in today's dollars almost $8 million.

    • In 1988 Brandt tried the Brightwell case against the State of Louisiana for a road defect case involving lack of signage on a state highway. The State had failed to replace a curve sign where it was needed. Mr Brightwell was a passenger in a vehicle that went off the road and into a ditch causing Brightwell to sustain traumatic brain damage. After trial, the court held the State of Louisiana 100% at fault and awarded Mr Brghtwell almost $2,000,000 in damages.
    • On September 11, 1990 Brandt obtained a judgment after four days of trial from a jury in the US District Court for the Southern District of Texas against Onan generators. Brandt alleged that the generator manufacturer knew that this Marine generator, when being started and stopped, created a cooling and heating cycle that crushed the gaskets in the manifold head assembly resulting in the leakage of carbon monoxide. As a result of this leakage, his client's husband died of carbon monoxide poisoning while sleeping on his houseboat. The jury awarded for wrongful death what would be the equivalent of $1,815,000.00 today.

    • In 2009 he settled claims against Merck for their manufacturing and distribution of the drug Vioxx . Vioxx was shown to increase the risk of heart attack and was no more effective than aspirin. One client was awarded the equivalent of $488,000 and the other received $142,000.
    • In September of 2011 a federal judge awarded to Brandts client Hubert V and his wife the equivalent of $1,590,000 for false arrest and false prosecution. This case arose as a result of the clients arrest and indictment by federal agents who wrongfully and knowingly accused and indicted him for EPA felony violations said to have arisen as he managed an oil refinery and continued with the prosecution for some years. The agents were having an extramarital affair and both living in different cities used the prosecution to meet together in Lafayette and Jennings and Lake Charles to continue their illicit affair.

    • In 2013 Alvin P was incarcerated in the St  Martin jail annex. Alvin was a career criminal with multiple felony convictions. While serving his 8 year sentence for burglary he was in the yard of the prison when two other prisoners began throwing rocks at each other. One of these rocks hit Alvin and blinded him in his left eye. Alvin sought out multiple lawyers who refused to take his case. Brandt took the case against the St Martin sheriff and after hiring experts in the field of prison safety obtained a verdict of $150,000 in his favor.

    • In 2015  twenty one year old Marianne was in a car with her mother in Iberia Parish  when they passed a vehicle on the side of the road which decided to make a left hand turn into the side of moms car. Marianne sustained ruptured and bulging discs in her lumbar (low back) and cervical (neck) areas and a tear of her rotator cuff.  Her treating orthopedic surgeon testified that eventually she would need surgery at all three locations. After a week long jury trial the jury awarded her the equivalent of $1,920,000 in todays dollars although she had not had the surgeries.
    • Mitchell B was working at a construction site in Breaux Bridge La in 2017. He took a break to go to the porta potty that was on the construction site. When he exited the porta potty he stepped into the path of a pickup truck driven by one of the other contactors out there. The collision knocked him back about 10 feet and caused him to hurt his head ( a possible traumatic brain injury) and sustain a low back (lumbar) injury requiring surgery. The general contractor on the job was essentially bankrupt and without insurance. The porta potty company and the insurance company for the driver of the pickup truck put up enough money for Mitchell to realize a $1,500,000 settlement.

    • At the end of 2017 while out on a deer hunting trip in Caddo Parish  Dustin was rear ended by a driver who had fallen asleep. The impact was quite severe and Dustin ended up having a neck (cervical) surgery and back surgery (lumbar) and mild traumatic brain injury. The brain and neck injury also caused him to suffer from priapism.  In 2022 his case settled at mediation for $3,500,000.
    • In 2018 John Y was driving an 18 wheeler when he was sideswiped by another eighteen wheeler causing John to go off the road. The offending driver left the scene and denied hitting John. Although Johns 18 wheeler had a lot of damage the offending defendant driver had very little. The company that the offending driver was working for had a one million dollare policy. John had a lumbar (back) surgery and a ulnar nerve release. The defendant trucking company went out of business . Out of the one million dollar policy, the case was settled at mediation for $975,000. The other driver has never admitted hitting Johns 18 wheeler.

    • In 2018, J.B and C.B were in the back seat of a vehicle that was crushed from behind by a utility vehicle. Both were seriously injured with spinal injuries and traumatic brain injuries (TBI). They shared, in 2023, a settlement that cumulatively was worth slightly over $12,000,000 dollars.
    • In 2022 Donald A was working off shore and stationed on a crew boat. He was being transferred by personnel basket being pulled up by a crane when the personnel basket was violently flung against the side of the boat causing Don to fall eight to ten feet to the deck of the boat. He was helicoptered to a hospital in New Orleans where he was treated and released. He sustained injuries to his lumbar spine (low back) and neck (cervical spine) and well as a concussion. It was suspected he had a mild brain injury. Three days before his trial was to begin in October 2024 his case settled for $3,000,000 dollars.

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      "Very good representation. Friendly."
    • Eric Coon

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      "Met with attorney. Very kind and helpful."

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      "Always quick response on phone calls did what the said they were going to and kept me updated no matter situation."

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      "Very helpful throughout the whole process with anything and everything that I had need."

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    Wondering how to find an injury lawyer in Louisiana? Contact Brandt & Sherman. We Fight Goliaths.

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      111 Mercury St. Lafayette, LA 70503

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